Tuesday, June 15, 2004

My First Blog

Well, here is my very first BLOG. I will make comments on what I think about life, business and family. Mostly about business enterprises I work with and around. Hope you enjoy reading these, if not; that's ok. Nice place to vent!

I am a proud Grandpa with FIVE wonderful Grandchildren (only ONE fabulous daughter .. yes Nic, YOU!). One of these days, I will post some pictures.

I own my own business, Management Systems Consulting, Inc. based in Orlando Florida (see: http://www.msc-inc.net). I focus on enterprise business management applications with a focus on PROFIT and electronic transaction processing, integration and control. Strange, don’t you think how companies will scrimp on hiring talent when they are betting the enterprise on what that ‘talent’ will deliver?

My wonderful wife, Nancy, is back to school (after an early retirement from Delta Airlines… go Delta!) for a degree in Interior Design. To that end, we have established a new enterprise web site called IQ-Home (see: http://www.iq-home.com). This site is intended to show our home design and construction projects as we progress as well as interesting and innovative technologies I find or am referred to (hint... refer me to neat stuff!).

Well, short and sweet. More to follow when I get to it!

Thanks for listening. This could be quite therapeutic!

Skip Stein


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