Monday, September 21, 2015

Viewing the World Through Rose Colored Glasses

The trouble with these Google and Amazon filters is that they begin to restrict Your View of the Real World.  The filters hide/obfuscate the TRUTH of what is out there that may have a direct impact on your Life, Liberty and Happiness!  Be careful of what you screen and ignore, it may have a dramatic impact on your life!

This is the extreme example of "Viewing the World Through Rose Colored Glasses".

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lifestyle Change is the Key to Good Health

Too often tradition medicine utterly fails the patient. They focus on treatment not CURE. They are treating Americans to death and have been for decades. Focus on Lifestyle Change is the key but it is difficult for many to accomplish on their own. It is a challenge that can be met with a focus on Delicious FOOD as a key component in that change. Unfortunately, cooking and kitchens have become a non-essential skill and must be renewed. Most 'food' in the grocery stores is 'processed' so much that little nutrition remains. We must get back into the kitchen! Http://

Paris is Being Overrun by muslims.

France is being overrun by muslims. They are demanding sharia law and don't give a damn about the French people or culture; even less for the Laws of the Land in France! Finally some of the French are standing against this invasion and pollution of their civilization by these savages. Lets hope America learns from this but our insanely arrogant and corrupt president wants to let more of these savages into OUR Country to do what they are doing in France and other civilized Countries.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The mark of a truly intelligent person (and good manager btw) is to always seek out smarter people, surround yourself with people you can LEARN from and share information, knowledge and experiences. Constantly GROW and never stagnate. Everyone should LEARN at least ONE New thing every single day of your LIFE.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cancer survivors are turning to a raw, organic vegan lifestyle to live cancer-free.

All the cancer clinics, oncologists and regular doctors NEVER seem to tell you that there are support dietary regimes that will help you fight Cancer NATURALLY. Even if you decide to try chemo and other 'treatments' a Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle can only help and support your immune system that traditional treatments mostly Destroy!

In most cases, it is the 'treatment' (chemo, radiation, surgery or all three) that kills the patient. These procedures destroy your natural ability to fight cancer and other diseases naturally. That is why so many die of infections after these barbaric cancer 'treatments'. They NEVER work and even if there is a temporary respite from the active cancer, it almost always returns with a Vengeance that kills quickly if the immune system isn't rebuilt quickly (after these barbaric treatments).

I was lucky, I had enough information to refuse these barbaric 'treatments' and procedures and now years after I was told I would die, I'm healthier NOW than ever before! Go figure! And I am NOT the only one, there are thousands and thousands of us that chose the alternative path of a Whole Foods Plant-Based Lifestye and have successfully forestalled if not beaten the cancer. Everyone had cancer cells floating in their bodies, it is the weakened immune systems that allow it to take hold and destroy you!

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Massive Corporate Corruption Has Destroyed the Free Market

Massive corporations have been corrupted by greed and total disregard for the customer and the Country in which they reside; especially true of many American Corporations.  Corporations pay off professional politicians and basically control what they do, the laws they pass and the regulations they propose.  Massive subsidies are paid to already wealthy and well established corporations where there is NO NEED and more often than not support activities shown to be detrimental or even deadly to the taxpayers who fund it.  Government is so bloated with corrupt inane agencies that exist simply to exist and serve little or no constructive use.

The Free Markets that made America great are no longer possible due to liberal regulatory laws sponsored by these mega-corporations that fear real competition. It is all one massive clusterfraking situation with corruption feeding corruption and the stench coming out of Washington and the Federal Government threatens to strangle the USA. 

Root Cause of Most Common Diseases

The most prevalent and devastating diseases many Americans face are LIFESTYLE diseases. Disease caused or attributable (directly or indirectly) to how you live, EAT, and work. Stress is a huge component as well is the tragic/lousy Standard American Diet. Changing to a Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle deals with most of this and learning how to deal with the constant stress we ALL face is also key. It takes effort but nothing worthwhile is free. Learn how to begin living a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle!