Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cancer survivors are turning to a raw, organic vegan lifestyle to live cancer-free.

All the cancer clinics, oncologists and regular doctors NEVER seem to tell you that there are support dietary regimes that will help you fight Cancer NATURALLY. Even if you decide to try chemo and other 'treatments' a Whole Foods Plant Based Lifestyle can only help and support your immune system that traditional treatments mostly Destroy!

In most cases, it is the 'treatment' (chemo, radiation, surgery or all three) that kills the patient. These procedures destroy your natural ability to fight cancer and other diseases naturally. That is why so many die of infections after these barbaric cancer 'treatments'. They NEVER work and even if there is a temporary respite from the active cancer, it almost always returns with a Vengeance that kills quickly if the immune system isn't rebuilt quickly (after these barbaric treatments).

I was lucky, I had enough information to refuse these barbaric 'treatments' and procedures and now years after I was told I would die, I'm healthier NOW than ever before! Go figure! And I am NOT the only one, there are thousands and thousands of us that chose the alternative path of a Whole Foods Plant-Based Lifestye and have successfully forestalled if not beaten the cancer. Everyone had cancer cells floating in their bodies, it is the weakened immune systems that allow it to take hold and destroy you!


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