Monsanto wants to replace the bees they are killing with genetically engineered flying ants.
wants to CONTROL the Planetary food supply and is basically spreading
poison, pestilence and disease around the Planet. From pesticide
soaked 'food' to super weeds, super-bugs and genetically damaging
crap, they are also killing bees that are necessary to FOOD Growth
and production. Does anyone think that their proprietary 'flying
ants' will do the same as natural bees? Insanity. Corruption in
governments, especially the corrupt USA Federal bureaucracy is in
league with this cabal of poison rendering control freaks.
Monstanto and the rest of the cabal they are in league with want
planetary domination and don't give a damn on who or what is harmed!
wants to replace the bees they are killing with genetically
engineered flying
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