Sheriff David Clarke: There’s a War On Cops Led By “High Profile People…”
David Clarke: There’s a War On Cops Led By “High Profile People…”
He called the 'black lives matter' a
bunch of SLIME and boy is he right. These black racists are creating
anarchy and lawlessness. These SLIME
include Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the racist in chief Obama!
They are promoting/profiling
innocent blacks as criminals and all not-black people will now be
hesitant to trust; cops will be on the trigger because they don't
know where the SLIME will strike next!
Congress is not much better. They sit
with their collective (both parties) heads up their asses, being too
politically correct, to do their damn jobs. They
sit, most of them, idly by while the Department of Justice (boy what
an oxymoron) and Obama openly support radical racists who encourage
MURDER, and let the innocent victims go unnoticed.
Where is the outrage when innocents are
gunned down by SLIME criminal/thugs.
No word in the lame-stream media because the criminals are gay,
black and still SLIME. Black ghettos and illegal mexican barrios are
riddled with gangs, thugs, SLIME and criminals. Where is the JUSTICE
for those suppressed innocents that have been forced to live in this
slime-hole of liberal ghettos?
need to Wake UP and realize that the SLIME has spread from the
liberal ghettos of New York, Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis into
Houston and beyond. Cops cannot protect all the innocents, best to
get trained, arm yourself and 'gun up' as they say to protect
yourself and your family from the SLIME on the streets.
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