Monday, November 23, 2009

H1B and Short Term Greed

I hear many opine about the short term ‘greed’ of many/most of American companies and their management. Not only does this approach sacrifice jobs needed by many Americans, it further dilutes the general technical expertise of Americans. If these artificially low wages proffered by foreign (and often not friendly) Nations sponsoring ‘outsourcing companies’ continue, there is little or not incentive for young Americans to enter technical fields.

Science in general, Medicine & Healthcare, Technical, Engineering disciplines are full of workers under ‘temporary’ visas. We not only train them in our American institutions, we provide jobs for them; indefinitely while Americans are unemployed.

Companies whose short sighted business values encourage this practice instead of growing expertise amongst current/future citizens will cause the United States of America to further fall toward Third World Status.

The USA business has become a non-productive, paper pushing, bureaucratic morass of individuals who seek only short term gain at the cost of future generations of Americans. These so called government and business ‘leaders’ are so taken with themselves they don’t give a hoot about their own Grandchildren. They prefer immediate gratification/gain at the sacrifice of future generations.

Political correctness has devastated our educational institutions, National Security and life in general in the USA.

Continued enabling of off-shore companies to provide short term artificially/subsidized low cost services (H1B and others) serves to undermine the long term development of expertise in Sciences, Arts, Mathematics and technology in general.


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