Monday, August 31, 2015

How to Reduce Carcinogenic Bile Acid Production

How to Reduce Carcinogenic Bile Acid Production

Why do government agencies do the opposite of what they say? EPA pollutes, DEA runs drugs, ATF smuggles guns, FBI plots terrorism.

The corruption it massive government bureaucracies ALWAYS leads to corruption, malfeasance and disregard to Laws and the TRUTH. Lawless agencies constantly and consistently violate Our Constitution at ever turn. Government is TOO BIG and TOO POWERFUL. We The People need to finally rise up and STOP the corruption!
Why do government agencies do the opposite of what they say? EPA pollutes, DEA runs drugs, ATF smuggles guns, FBI plots terrorism.

Monsanto wants to replace the bees they are killing with genetically engineered flying ants.

Monsanto wants to CONTROL the Planetary food supply and is basically spreading poison, pestilence and disease around the Planet. From pesticide soaked 'food' to super weeds, super-bugs and genetically damaging crap, they are also killing bees that are necessary to FOOD Growth and production. Does anyone think that their proprietary 'flying ants' will do the same as natural bees? Insanity. Corruption in governments, especially the corrupt USA Federal bureaucracy is in league with this cabal of poison rendering control freaks. Monstanto and the rest of the cabal they are in league with want planetary domination and don't give a damn on who or what is harmed!

Monsanto wants to replace the bees they are killing with genetically engineered flying ants.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Unexamined Myth Of Protein Deficiency For Plant-Based Diet

Americans (and others) have been brainwashed with decades of commercials focused on "where's the beef". From meat & dairy lobbyists to advertisers promoting over indulging in, well everything, to those lies propagated by the meat/dairy/agribusiness industries. There has NEVER been a death in America from a 'protein deficiency'! Just the opposite, much of today's pandemic of cancer, diabetes 2 and heart disease is CAUSED by eating TOO MUCH protein and not enough Vegetables and Fruit (fiber!).

I'm Pissed Off

The current state of the USA and yes, the rest of the Planet is in Global Crisis.  Why, much is rooted in American laissez-faire, "can't be bothered" attitude.  It was once called the 'Silent Majority' for a reason.  No one really complained or did anything.  Sure folks complained about dirty politicians but they kept re-electing the same corrupt idiotic bureaucratic puppets of 'special interests' and multi-national global business concerns.


Sheriff David Clarke: There’s a War On Cops Led By “High Profile People…”

Sheriff David Clarke: There’s a War On Cops Led By “High Profile People…”

He called the 'black lives matter' a bunch of SLIME and boy is he right. These black racists are creating anarchy and lawlessness. These SLIME include Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the racist in chief Obama! They are promoting/profiling innocent blacks as criminals and all not-black people will now be hesitant to trust; cops will be on the trigger because they don't know where the SLIME will strike next!

Congress is not much better. They sit with their collective (both parties) heads up their asses, being too politically correct, to do their damn jobs. They sit, most of them, idly by while the Department of Justice (boy what an oxymoron) and Obama openly support radical racists who encourage MURDER, and let the innocent victims go unnoticed.

Where is the outrage when innocents are gunned down by SLIME criminal/thugs. No word in the lame-stream media because the criminals are gay, black and still SLIME. Black ghettos and illegal mexican barrios are riddled with gangs, thugs, SLIME and criminals. Where is the JUSTICE for those suppressed innocents that have been forced to live in this slime-hole of liberal ghettos?

People need to Wake UP and realize that the SLIME has spread from the liberal ghettos of New York, Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis into Houston and beyond. Cops cannot protect all the innocents, best to get trained, arm yourself and 'gun up' as they say to protect yourself and your family from the SLIME on the streets.

Friday, August 28, 2015

From Evolving Ourselves by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans. Genes are less predictive of behavior and disease than is generally assumed:

Much of the general public ... has ended up with the mistaken impression that almost every imaginable disease has a clear and readable genetic basis. But very few diseases operate like a light switch or correlate in a one-to-one way whereby if you have gene X then you get disease Y. Time and again, studies fail to find the genes or genetic variants responsible for a majority of the cases of heritable diseases or traits, including for Type 2 diabetes (only predictive in 6 percent of a population), good cholesterol (5 percent), early myocardial infarction (3 percent), and familial breast cancer (10 percent). In every case, a few genes are identified as causal, but in only a small subset of patients. …...”

“….For the many complex diseases that run in families, including cancer, hypertension, neurodegeneration, autoimmunity, diabetes, obesity, schizophrenia, and depression, the majority of supposedly causal genes are missing….”

"Most human diseases, behaviors, and traits involve a combination of the genes we got from our parents as well as events we experience in our everyday lives, especially in utero and as children….”

Conclusion (my own): Lifestyle Matters!

Have you ever considered that most of the gun related murders occur in liberal dominated cities with black on black violence. It's not the guns, it's more the liberal policies that have grown slums and ghettos ever since the 'Great Society' was started.